Thursday, March 27, 2014

The Pause

Hey guys! Sorry for the big ol' pause in the content of my blog. I got really distracted for a really long time and then forgot my login info. Cause I am a professional! Anyway, this is me announcing the fact that I am going to be continuing the blog, BUT I am switching up the format a bit. Instead of the old, write as I play thing I was doing, I am going to take light notes and thoughts as I play. Then I will write up the whole experience afterwards including some, if not all, of my notes and comments and share with you the magic of professionalism. Like me.

Also, I discontinued/deleted my Dragon Age blog post, because I played forward in that particular game. I may even need to restart the Fallout game and catch up to that one as well. BUT, Dragon's Dogma has not moved and is still ready to played and I will get back to it shortly. But until then, I have a few titles I will be adding to my blog as I see fit and some stuff for you to look forward to. The list is:

  • League of Legends
  • Baldur's Gate
  • Vanilla Minecraft
  •  Katawa Shoujo (A Visual Novel)
  • and eventually, a co-op experience of Obscure and Obscure 2
Anywhoo, keep an eye out for these exciting titles in the near future. I am prolly going to start the League of Legends one immediately. I am currently level 5 and playing some Co-op vs. AI beginner rounds with my level 6 cousin.

Hope you guys are looking forward to this. I may eventually upgrade all of this blogging stuff to full blown "Let's Play" status on Youtube. I am undecided.

I bid you all Toodles,

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Why fighting sounds? (Dragon's Dogma)

So last time on Dragon's Dogma I got stabbed, cheated on, and worst of all annoyed to death. I am now starting at the encampment about to talk to the strange voices.

Hey look it is the stone that makes slaves! Err.. Pawns.

So first off the Rift Stones voice reminds me of one of the ghosts in The Nights of the Nine missions in Oblivion. Wait, so you are telling me I have to prove myself to you? Well that is just fantastic. I mean being the Arisen isn't enough... Now I have to be a strong Arisen. Hey look frantic looking guards... Maybe I should help them. And we are fighting a troll with red markings on his head... No wonder he is mad some moron branded his skull. Ow.. I was climbing up his back and some moron named Rook decides that now is a good time to knock the damn thing over.

And all these unnecessary tutorial messages are kinda pissing me off. Don't mind the man on your back stabbing you in the head ok? Creepy old man is leaving the scene of the crime. He was the one with the brand. I just know it. I have done what you asked stupid stone now give me my main pawn.

Now how to make my pawn. Name Sophie, yes another howls moving castle reference. Why do they use battle sounds for voice samples? It makes no logical sense.

Now I have a pawn. I am going to take a break from this outrage of blah.

Monday, January 21, 2013

War. War Never Chages... (Fallout 3)

So since I am only doing two of these a day and that means I can't really play these games more once I post without making a new one I have decided to start a second game. Yup yup. Now keep in mind that I have played this game before. But this time instead of mastering in big guns and explosives... I will be playing a more stealthy small guns and melee/unarmed game. This should be good right? Well here we go. Right into The Vault.

Do do do... So this opening when you are in the bus vehicle, why did that radio have the same frequencies both on the upside and the downside? Is that for when we are drunk and decode to drive with our feet? It's strange. Anyway, I still love this intro monologue. Damn... I forgot my subtitles.

I have always wondered why they decided to go with the 50s look. oh... They are talking about me. Now to be birthed with the help of none descript foolish doctor man. Kinda like Prof. Oak. I am a boy you nimrod. Ha ha ha x button makes me annoyingly cry-y.oh right... This game came out back when they still used the texting system. My name? Noxmad. And now to predict my physical future... White hair, young face. Just like my prematurely grey pop. Wow... There are more facial hair options then hair options. That is just saddening.

Yup, I will look a lot like my dad, prematurity grey and messed up hair. And now I am the most advanced baby on the planet! Look at me jump and not listen to my parents. Screw the teddie bear! I am getting the heavy dangerous truck! Whoo!

Take that Daddy. I beat your legs with a truck. This book knows me so much. I am special. My stats, 6,3,4,4,10,8,5. Just like me in real life.

Yay my little friend Amata! Yay I have made it 10 rotations around the sun we can't see cause we are underground! Now to talk to my childhood sweetheart and BFF. Hi Amata! No I had no idea you were going to do this for me... Really you believed me? Btw Wednesday is bingo night. Win a weeks rations of water! Or dehydrate to death! Oh yay grongak... I love getting books I don't even get to read... Sigh...

What do you know about my father's sexual habits you leathery old bag? I mean... Uh... Yes ma'am. Yay I got a sweet roll. No sharing required today! Noooooooooo my cake! Uh butch? Go to hell the sweet roll is my you brat! Ha ha playing musical chairs with butch is high-larious. Yeah he so lucky Gomez stopped the fight. Holy Crap my hair is already white.

Thanks for the Pip- Boy Stanley looks as old as you do. Yeah A series rules. Yes a hat to hide my hair. Yay Jonas finished my BB gun! Hiya Beatrice. Thanks for the really depressing and irrelevant poem... Bye! Stuff it Jonas gimme my gun! Yay I got a gun! Whoo. The beginning of my shooting career. Now to shoot the stuff get a pic and go to the future yay! Taking the GOAT! Hurray for Vats By the way. It carried me through that battle. Ha ha troll the picture now to go give Butch and his gang what for with my fisticuffs. But first I am taking the bobble head with me. Now to fight!
I still have no subtitles! Yeah I am her boyfriend. Hear me roar dumbass! Good Karma for the win. Now to take the goat. Whoo it is working this time.

1) scientist. Me: go for the pipe
2) patient. Me: amputate
3) young boy me: lead to safety and report him
4) baseball team. Me: designated hitter
5) grandma. Me: throw tea
6) old man. Me: bobby pin
7) mutation. Me: bullet
8) comic book. Me: gunpoint
9) prank. Me: bolts
10) overseer. Me: 3

I'm a fry cook? Yay manipulate my results. Funny thing is I only need to change one the from lock pick to sneak. And now all hell breaks loose. Oh yay my dad got me in trouble... Now they are trying to kill me. Time to leave this joint. The secret tunnel... Away! Let's go! And thanks for the pistol. I'll be sure to leave your dad alive. Baseball bat. Designated hitter assholes! Out of my way! Screw the sneaking for now. Baseball time all the way out of the vault!

Yes I will help you Butch. Just cause I am the bigger man. Yay now I have the Tunnel Snakes outfit. Noooooooooo not grandma Taylor! Oh well thin the herd... Moving on! Gomez... You always were my favorite. Sniff...thank you. Let's teach these guards a lesson. Took down gunman with a bat like a boss. What is that man on otherside of glass? I can't here you over the sound of how awesome I am! take this security Chief Hannon!

Interogating my love interest?! Unforgivable Mack. overseer you are lucky I like your daughter. Jonas...? No...

I am hacking I am hacking... I am killing. I am killing. I am leaving. I am leaving. Goodbye Amata... Sniff. I am done for now. See you guys later!

The Guy Who Planned This was Obbsessed with Chess (Dragon's Dogma)

So here I am again. Mid-day of the next day. I don't know how long my character has been out but we will assume it is at least 10 minutes. When I left off, I was just picking my class while inside that hut thing. I chose fighter and now I have a rusty shield and sword combo that looks like crap. So, Back to the action.

Now before I start I would like to share my praise for the loading screen time. The levels are pretty big for how short the time it loads in. so good job Capcom.

So the real grabby old man and my woman are talking behind my back. Apparently my heart isn't working. Shocker right? But yeah this is how it goes. Get stabbed in the chest and suddenly everything in the world is going to hell and old men suddenly lust for your love interest. Anywhoo let's continue maybe things aren't so grim. Also, I think I just saw a genralization about island/beach people. Apparently they all call each other "cos". I mean I know it is a small place and all, and eventually you will meet an actual cousin, but that is just generalization. It is especially awkward for me if I am to be my love interest's cos. And to think I still haven't even left the first hut.

Although it is a pleasant village. It is one of those classic "How could something so terrible happen here?" places so you know something was gonna go down. And I just found a work table in a chest... What is this minecraft?

I must say that the parkour and looting is fun enough as it is, I could just stay and do this all day. Apparently the brill of the ocean finally have risen up against there bigger fish oppressors? This I gotta see. Holy crap! Remind me to never do that again that freaked me out. Oh and apparently is is the Brine.

Hello midget selling equipment may I purchase an item that actually looks like a weapon? Oh i can? Thank you. Wow a sword and a set of belt armor and my $2000 are gone. I feel like an investor. Now to sell my old junk to hopefully raise enough money to buy another thing with a base stat higher than basically nothing. That work table got me a bit of money. Sweet. And now to buy myself a shield that doesn't look like scrap metal. Now can I buy something better armor wise for 400 ? So rather than get the short shorts that apparently protect me better than anything else, I'm just gonna get this shirt so I don't look like a weirdo in my travels.

And now a random ass pawn just fell from the sky to aid me. He is a scared looking guy with a glow-y hand scar. And now the grabby old man from earlier is instructing me of the pawn legion. So he is a pawn... Named rook? Whose next? Bishop and Knight?

Anyway, time to flee the village. good times. And I made off with all your crap anyway! Ha ha ha! So I dash to the rescue of the Reynard guy being attacked and in the middle of my leap which is about to use my weapon awesomely, a freakin tutorial message shows up, totally ruining my rescue. Great planning guys. Cause I didn't already learn all this in the tutorial or nothing. But in the epic battle, I saved him. I bet everyone had their doubts.

And he gave me an Elven cloak that'll shield me from harm. Nope nvermind those elves are full of shit. Besides it is just a leather cape.

Good god Rook I know! I heard you the first 4 times you said it. The road we are on, will get us to the encampment! I can see it from right here! It is literally less the than thirty feet away! Gah!

Anyhow I am now at the encampment and I am gonna break here for now. Maybe I'll play later today... Maybe not. See you guys later.

Sunday, January 20, 2013

In the Beginning... (Dragon's Dogma)

Ok so here I am, about to hit the final "yes" option to start the game. Let's go!

Checking DLC... I has none.

So apparently I am not even me and the game just started. Great. Now to find my lantern in the SELECT screen. Yup there it is. In tools. My precious disposable Lantern. And I saw an option to add oil? How realistically... real I guess. Well here I go playing the game as my NOT self called,Savan. And his partner Salde.

So far the game has an Assassin's Greed... Err, Creed feel to it. (With Arms Wide Open)

The control scheme is simply x jumps all the other buttons either interact with the environment or interact with enemies by putting your weapon though their heads and chests. Then the l1 and r1 buttons allow to alter your button scheme by giving you even more chances to put your weapon of choice through more enemies. Lovely. R2 grabs things like a greedy miser or a perverted old man on the train, and the L2 simply puts your tool in a place where it won't hurt anyone or be of use. Swell.

And nobody told me there would Dragons here. I thought it was just a metaphor for the type of Dogma not that it is actually belonging to a Dragon. (note sarcasm) No but seriously, freaking game just started and it already feels like it is ending.

You know with this guy and his dad
and that girl and her dad?
So the Dragon just told me to forge a link in his endless chain. So either that is supposed to be sexual or we are having a FF-X moment where the last guy sacrificed to make the Ultimate Aeon turns... (nvm spoilers)

Now to jump down a large ledge to go fondle a stone with ancient runes on it and to make slaves come out of it. I mean pawns... Bah same thing in the end... And apparently this white guy mating with this "Rift Stone" Makes a black woman(Quince; or 15) and an old lady(Morganna; or old smelly magic user). Only in video games right?

And now the game tells me that my slaves... Err Pawns will follow commands given by the directional buttons. Left and Right mean help. Down means wait. Up means go! But what they actually do is still a mystery.

So the old lady, sounds like a teenage girl and the young woman sounds 40. And the magic in this game is standard element stuff by the looks of it with the ability to infuse ally weapons with magic.

Y'know... this guy
Now a lion face and feet just walked by with goat legs on the back. Guessing right here and now that it will be a hipogrif or a Chimera. But first to deal with the flying naked ladies. Yes they are harpy. So apparently the big threat of the game is Harpy's Pet Dragon from the Duel Monsters game. Good job Salde by the way for attracting the attention of the downed Harpies, very well done.

And now I have met of Ser Palotti and his men. Something is about to go down and it won't be me. I never lose Tutorials. Called the Chemera and it was Ser Pelotti himself who takes the fall. So I am in the middle of of this fight and I will say, I REALLY REALLY like this whole climbing battle Dynamic. It is very Shadow of the Colossus. And it make this Chimera fight REAL easy. That and it is rediculously fun to watch my whole party just flop around while hanging onto this guy. Like co-op bull riding to electic guitar and orchestra music.

And just as I kill it I discover a new playing element. Healing spells are area of effect.

Now to the real me's story.

And countless lifetimes come to pass. Some random French meaning it is all fun and games until everything goes to crap and you are suddenly missing you go nowhere job. Now I was wrong the harpies do not like the dragon so this obviously a different red dragon with black highlighted features fighting off an a couple dozen murders of harpies. And now for the character creation.

Male and rest of the details are for me to know and for you to find out eventually.

And that time has come... His name is Howl. Based off of Howl's Moving Castle. His moniker is Hawk. And that is all you need to know.

So now I don't know for certain but apparently, no matter how you build your character, your love interest is always the same. So you could be the aforementioned grabby old man and she is still the same. And now peaceful island life is ruined OH NO! Now to ineffectually fight the Dragon!

I lose... and there goes my heart and the start of my journey... This is gonna take a while folks. BTW my character is a fighter class so my main pawn the booklet mentioned is prolly gonna be a Mage or something. See you all later.


Hello my name is D-kun. But you can call me Noxmad. To put this intro into short and sweet mode, I am a guy with a PS3 and some extra time on my hands. This will not be/is not(depending on what time in history you are in) the only blog of this style I will be doing. Now realize that I am making these posts while I am playing. So for the most part, the pictures I post will have basically nothing to do with the actual game. At least until I can find a better system. So now that we have that out of the way, let's play some Dragon's Dogma.