Sunday, January 20, 2013

In the Beginning... (Dragon's Dogma)

Ok so here I am, about to hit the final "yes" option to start the game. Let's go!

Checking DLC... I has none.

So apparently I am not even me and the game just started. Great. Now to find my lantern in the SELECT screen. Yup there it is. In tools. My precious disposable Lantern. And I saw an option to add oil? How realistically... real I guess. Well here I go playing the game as my NOT self called,Savan. And his partner Salde.

So far the game has an Assassin's Greed... Err, Creed feel to it. (With Arms Wide Open)

The control scheme is simply x jumps all the other buttons either interact with the environment or interact with enemies by putting your weapon though their heads and chests. Then the l1 and r1 buttons allow to alter your button scheme by giving you even more chances to put your weapon of choice through more enemies. Lovely. R2 grabs things like a greedy miser or a perverted old man on the train, and the L2 simply puts your tool in a place where it won't hurt anyone or be of use. Swell.

And nobody told me there would Dragons here. I thought it was just a metaphor for the type of Dogma not that it is actually belonging to a Dragon. (note sarcasm) No but seriously, freaking game just started and it already feels like it is ending.

You know with this guy and his dad
and that girl and her dad?
So the Dragon just told me to forge a link in his endless chain. So either that is supposed to be sexual or we are having a FF-X moment where the last guy sacrificed to make the Ultimate Aeon turns... (nvm spoilers)

Now to jump down a large ledge to go fondle a stone with ancient runes on it and to make slaves come out of it. I mean pawns... Bah same thing in the end... And apparently this white guy mating with this "Rift Stone" Makes a black woman(Quince; or 15) and an old lady(Morganna; or old smelly magic user). Only in video games right?

And now the game tells me that my slaves... Err Pawns will follow commands given by the directional buttons. Left and Right mean help. Down means wait. Up means go! But what they actually do is still a mystery.

So the old lady, sounds like a teenage girl and the young woman sounds 40. And the magic in this game is standard element stuff by the looks of it with the ability to infuse ally weapons with magic.

Y'know... this guy
Now a lion face and feet just walked by with goat legs on the back. Guessing right here and now that it will be a hipogrif or a Chimera. But first to deal with the flying naked ladies. Yes they are harpy. So apparently the big threat of the game is Harpy's Pet Dragon from the Duel Monsters game. Good job Salde by the way for attracting the attention of the downed Harpies, very well done.

And now I have met of Ser Palotti and his men. Something is about to go down and it won't be me. I never lose Tutorials. Called the Chemera and it was Ser Pelotti himself who takes the fall. So I am in the middle of of this fight and I will say, I REALLY REALLY like this whole climbing battle Dynamic. It is very Shadow of the Colossus. And it make this Chimera fight REAL easy. That and it is rediculously fun to watch my whole party just flop around while hanging onto this guy. Like co-op bull riding to electic guitar and orchestra music.

And just as I kill it I discover a new playing element. Healing spells are area of effect.

Now to the real me's story.

And countless lifetimes come to pass. Some random French meaning it is all fun and games until everything goes to crap and you are suddenly missing you go nowhere job. Now I was wrong the harpies do not like the dragon so this obviously a different red dragon with black highlighted features fighting off an a couple dozen murders of harpies. And now for the character creation.

Male and rest of the details are for me to know and for you to find out eventually.

And that time has come... His name is Howl. Based off of Howl's Moving Castle. His moniker is Hawk. And that is all you need to know.

So now I don't know for certain but apparently, no matter how you build your character, your love interest is always the same. So you could be the aforementioned grabby old man and she is still the same. And now peaceful island life is ruined OH NO! Now to ineffectually fight the Dragon!

I lose... and there goes my heart and the start of my journey... This is gonna take a while folks. BTW my character is a fighter class so my main pawn the booklet mentioned is prolly gonna be a Mage or something. See you all later.

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