Monday, January 21, 2013

The Guy Who Planned This was Obbsessed with Chess (Dragon's Dogma)

So here I am again. Mid-day of the next day. I don't know how long my character has been out but we will assume it is at least 10 minutes. When I left off, I was just picking my class while inside that hut thing. I chose fighter and now I have a rusty shield and sword combo that looks like crap. So, Back to the action.

Now before I start I would like to share my praise for the loading screen time. The levels are pretty big for how short the time it loads in. so good job Capcom.

So the real grabby old man and my woman are talking behind my back. Apparently my heart isn't working. Shocker right? But yeah this is how it goes. Get stabbed in the chest and suddenly everything in the world is going to hell and old men suddenly lust for your love interest. Anywhoo let's continue maybe things aren't so grim. Also, I think I just saw a genralization about island/beach people. Apparently they all call each other "cos". I mean I know it is a small place and all, and eventually you will meet an actual cousin, but that is just generalization. It is especially awkward for me if I am to be my love interest's cos. And to think I still haven't even left the first hut.

Although it is a pleasant village. It is one of those classic "How could something so terrible happen here?" places so you know something was gonna go down. And I just found a work table in a chest... What is this minecraft?

I must say that the parkour and looting is fun enough as it is, I could just stay and do this all day. Apparently the brill of the ocean finally have risen up against there bigger fish oppressors? This I gotta see. Holy crap! Remind me to never do that again that freaked me out. Oh and apparently is is the Brine.

Hello midget selling equipment may I purchase an item that actually looks like a weapon? Oh i can? Thank you. Wow a sword and a set of belt armor and my $2000 are gone. I feel like an investor. Now to sell my old junk to hopefully raise enough money to buy another thing with a base stat higher than basically nothing. That work table got me a bit of money. Sweet. And now to buy myself a shield that doesn't look like scrap metal. Now can I buy something better armor wise for 400 ? So rather than get the short shorts that apparently protect me better than anything else, I'm just gonna get this shirt so I don't look like a weirdo in my travels.

And now a random ass pawn just fell from the sky to aid me. He is a scared looking guy with a glow-y hand scar. And now the grabby old man from earlier is instructing me of the pawn legion. So he is a pawn... Named rook? Whose next? Bishop and Knight?

Anyway, time to flee the village. good times. And I made off with all your crap anyway! Ha ha ha! So I dash to the rescue of the Reynard guy being attacked and in the middle of my leap which is about to use my weapon awesomely, a freakin tutorial message shows up, totally ruining my rescue. Great planning guys. Cause I didn't already learn all this in the tutorial or nothing. But in the epic battle, I saved him. I bet everyone had their doubts.

And he gave me an Elven cloak that'll shield me from harm. Nope nvermind those elves are full of shit. Besides it is just a leather cape.

Good god Rook I know! I heard you the first 4 times you said it. The road we are on, will get us to the encampment! I can see it from right here! It is literally less the than thirty feet away! Gah!

Anyhow I am now at the encampment and I am gonna break here for now. Maybe I'll play later today... Maybe not. See you guys later.

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