Thursday, March 27, 2014

The Pause

Hey guys! Sorry for the big ol' pause in the content of my blog. I got really distracted for a really long time and then forgot my login info. Cause I am a professional! Anyway, this is me announcing the fact that I am going to be continuing the blog, BUT I am switching up the format a bit. Instead of the old, write as I play thing I was doing, I am going to take light notes and thoughts as I play. Then I will write up the whole experience afterwards including some, if not all, of my notes and comments and share with you the magic of professionalism. Like me.

Also, I discontinued/deleted my Dragon Age blog post, because I played forward in that particular game. I may even need to restart the Fallout game and catch up to that one as well. BUT, Dragon's Dogma has not moved and is still ready to played and I will get back to it shortly. But until then, I have a few titles I will be adding to my blog as I see fit and some stuff for you to look forward to. The list is:

  • League of Legends
  • Baldur's Gate
  • Vanilla Minecraft
  •  Katawa Shoujo (A Visual Novel)
  • and eventually, a co-op experience of Obscure and Obscure 2
Anywhoo, keep an eye out for these exciting titles in the near future. I am prolly going to start the League of Legends one immediately. I am currently level 5 and playing some Co-op vs. AI beginner rounds with my level 6 cousin.

Hope you guys are looking forward to this. I may eventually upgrade all of this blogging stuff to full blown "Let's Play" status on Youtube. I am undecided.

I bid you all Toodles,

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